Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Gracie turned 6

 February 13th was Gracie's Birthday. She turned 6 this year. The whole family just couldn't believe she was going to be 6 years old. It seems as though just yesterday we were bringing her home in the blizzard of 2007. Laying her on our brown ottoman, getting checking out my the home care nurse. She was a little jaundice and needed a billiblanket. She was always a really cute baby and was always smiling. It was like she never had a bad day. Well that was until June 27, 2008. J/K ( Lilly's Bday)

Grace has been a really good kid the last 6 years. It is neat to watch her grow and mature over the years. She has really grown up in the last year to 6 months. In just four months she will be considered a first grader. Now that's the big leagues. ☺

Happy Birthday to you...
She loves her shoes.
She asked me to make basketball cake pops. They were delicious and looked pretty good.
Gracie's favorite sister.
My sweet and silly girl. You are so precious to me and one of the best blessings I have ever received. Thank you for your sweet hugs and kisses every day. Thank you for always wanting to help out and for watching over your little sister.  Mommy and Daddy love you so much and pray for you everyday. We are all so excited to watch you grow into a beautiful young lady.

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