So is it sad or bad that I have never seen Gone with the Wind? (or Casablanca or Breakfast at Tiffany's.) And I definitely haven't read it either.
My step-dad has an awesome collection of videos. Each Kid (remind you we are all in our 20's) has a rental card. We can check out a movie but have to bring it back before checking out another movie. My card was almost suspended once. Well I got really lucky because while my mom and Ken were on a super awesome vacation in Hawaii I got a 4 for 1 deal. One of the movies I picked was Gone with the Wind.
Wow first I didn't realize that it was 4 hours long, a 2 disk DVD. I am having a little trouble understanding exactly what everyone is saying but I get the gist of it. ;)
So I finished disk 1 and am on to disk 2. I am really enjoying it so far and can't wait to see the 2nd half.
I will say though that one thing I find really annoying is the constant playing of background music. At times I can hardly hear what the actors are trying to say. Other then that it is all good.
On a funny note. Gracie was in the room playing on her computer when the scene with Prissy talking to Scarlet about not knowing how to birth no baby was on. Gracie looked at me and said, " is she supposed to be a baby or something?" I thought that was funny. Was her that her real voice though or were they just trying to portray her as being younger?
So are there any other movies I should watch that are classics? What is your favorite part of the movie?
I have never seen GWTW or Casablanca either :( I am currently reading GWTW but it is taking me forever! I do love Breakfast at Tiffany's though. It is one of my faves. My other favorite old movie is an Alfred Hitchcock movie called "Rear Window" Grace Kelly is breathtaking in it. Enjoy the rest of your movie :)