My birthday is in 2 weeks and 2 days! Whoot Whoot for me. :)
If you are having a hard time deciding on what to get me let me help you out a bit...
1. I really need this pumpkin spice syrup, and at $7.95 what a Deal. I couldn't even buy 2 pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks for that price. 

2. These adorable Fall riding boots. Size 8 1/2 please ( Ps. I will take them from any store as long as they are similar in color - Hey I am not picky.)

3. This adorable pyrex/corning ware dish. I can't believe I don't have this pattern in my collection. It is so cute 

4.A plain white collared shirt. Looks so cute layered underneath a cute sweater with belt.

5. A Nook/Kindle/E-reader. I know I am really going out on a limb here but what if one of my friend's wins the lottery? Wouldn't I be foolish for not asking?
6. I always enjoy gift cards. I would like to buy new sweaters and jeans for the fall.
7. I would also like a date night with the hubby. We haven't been to Johnny Carinos in a long time.....
8. (just added) I also need a new crock pot, a bigger crock pot. I plan to use it a lot this fall/winter so much that I need two! :) I kind of dig the Lock and carry ( or whatever they are called)
Thanks for stopping by. I realize this wasn't fun for anyone else besides me! :)
I just thought of something else. A 4 cup coffee maker. I used to have one in college and loved it. I now need one at work. I hate works coffee, it is so bitter and I hate the water. I could sit it at my desk and make my own coffee with my own water. Ok that sounds snobbish, but that is how I feel. :) hehe