Monday, June 28, 2010
A Pie Contest
If I were baking you your favorite pie, what type of pie would I be baking?
I know, I know! Why am I asking this random question. Well stay tuned for more details. :)
Thanks Team!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I'm a strange one...

Monday, June 14, 2010
Do you like Pizza?

Thursday, June 10, 2010
Gigi's gifts

New M&M's
Pretzel M&M's
I thought to myself, oh these will take like chocolate covered pretzels.
My friends they do not! But more a pretzel covered in chocolate. Does this make sense to anyone else? First bite I was like.....hmmm...second bite...ok....third bite.....ok sweet and salty. I still don't know if I liked them.
I saved some for the hubby to try. Of course he was like oh yea it taste like a chocolate covered pretzel. UMM....NO it doesn't. His reply, oh yea, weird, hmmm....
My palette is very defined (for a normal person) especially compared to his. So I really wasn't satisfied with his reaction or response.
So now I encourage you to try your own. What do they taste like to you? Do you like them? Would you recommend them to a friend?
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Look at my finds!
So I checked it out and found there was one just 20 minuets away from my work. Since I can take up to an hour lunch I figured why not. As soon as I walked into the door just to my left I found exactly what I wanted.

Isn't it beautiful? I don't yet know where I am going to put it but I am thinking in my Dinning room where I am redecorating it in black and white.
These following items I found for $.25-$.75 So I couldn't resist.

As I was waiting for the estate team to ring me up I took one last look around the house and I found this awesome piece just hanging in the kitchen.

I have always wanted a spice rack. Since my hubby and I are redoing our kitchen we will repaint this and hang it on one of our walls. Can't wait to post pictures of that. Although it will be another month or so. Too busy right now with finishing up school and too many Birthdays. Like the big 2 for Lilly or the big 30 for my handsome hubby.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010