So I had a wonderful anniversary weekend. We basically had it all to ourselves and did fun things like go to a movie, go to dinner, go to Starbucks and actually sit down and relax. It was a wonderful weekend. It was also fun for the girls because each day that got to spend time with each set of grandparents ( 3) so a big thank you to them for making all that possible. Even though we both had to work we still managed to have a great time together.
For dinner Danny and I ate at Red Lobster. Although we usually go to a much fancier place like Ruth Chris, Flemming's or the Melting Pot we diced for RL. We don't go out to eat a lot b/c we just don't have the extra money in our budget so we don't get o go to Red Lobster a lot. You are probably thinking to yourself, well RL isn't all that expensive Bree. Well when you are like me and get Lobster tail, snow crab legs, and 2 kinds of shrimp, Yea it kind of is! lol
Honestly the food was so good that each and every bit Danny took he literally said "mmm". While I was busy cracking open the snow crab legs I noticed this and it started getting on my nerves. Did he really need to keep saying "mmm" after every bite? Well apparently I was also saying the same thing when I was eating but just didn't even realize it b/c i was so involved in my food. But don't worry Danny did point it out to me.
Afterwards we went to Starbucks. They have the cutest and yummiest mini desserts? Have you tried them? ( p.s. I don't recommend the cake pops on a stick, you will be disappointed) Danny got the mini peanut butter chocolate cupcake and I got the lemon square. I think they were only like a $1.80 a piece.

On Sunday our Pastor even had a good message about family and marriage. I thought it was a perfect ending to a perfect weekend.
Congrats on 6 years of marriage!!!